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Greenspoon Marder’s Surrogacy and Reproductive Technology Practice Group assists our clients with all legal aspects of third-party reproduction and can assist with legal matters in Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. We emphasize a holistic approach that takes into account all of our clients’ needs, concerns, desired outcomes and also legal considerations. As a parent of twin boys born via surrogacy, Partner Marla Neufeld, Esq. understands the challenges involved with third party assisted reproduction. Click here to view our Surrogacy Laws State-by-State Matrix.
Services Provided in Florida, California, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois
- Draft Gestational Surrogacy Agreements on behalf of intended parent(s)
- Review Gestational Surrogacy Agreements on behalf of surrogates
- Draft Pre-Planned Adoption Agreements on behalf of heterosexual and LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning) community and unmarried couples or single parents (Pre-Planned Adoptions are services offered in Florida)
- Review Pre -Planned Adoption Agreements on behalf of surrogates
- Draft and review egg, sperm, and embryo donor agreements
- Prepare and obtain pre- or post-birth parentage orders; establishment of parental rights of the intended parent(s)
- Administer various adoptions such as second parent adoption and stepparent adoption
- Name change agreements
- Recommendations for reputable surrogacy agencies, egg, and sperm donation agencies, fertility clinics, therapists and other related recommendations
Florida Legal Services Defined
- Gestational Surrogacy Agreement and Pre-Planned Adoption Agreements
- Both a Gestational Surrogacy Agreement (only for use by heterosexual and same-sex legally married couples in Florida) and a Pre-Planned Adoption Agreement (commonly used by heterosexual and LGBTQ individuals and unmarried couples in Florida) are between the commissioning couple or single intended parent and the surrogate and her partner/spouse, if applicable. These agreements are intended to detail the parties’ rights, obligations, intentions and expectations in connection with their third-party reproductive technology arrangement, and cover topics such as parental rights, custody issues, compensation, location of delivery, future communication between the parties, insurance, control over medical decisions during the pregnancy, payment of medical bills, liability for medical complications, and other provisions required by Florida law.
- Gestational Surrogacy Agreements Under Florida Law
- In Florida, gestational surrogacy is governed by Florida Statute 742.15 and can only be utilized by heterosexual and same-sex married couples. This statute also requires that the embryo being transferred to the surrogate is genetically related to at least one member of the commissioning couple. Gestational surrogacy refers to a process by which a commissioning couple’s eggs and/or sperm are fertilized in–vitro and the resulting embryo is then transferred into another woman’s uterus. Because of the legal protections under the Florida statute, intended parents can be certain that the surrogate has no legal connection to the child (child or children) through their Gestational Surrogate Agreement. Under Florida law, the “commissioning couple” is “the intended mother and father of a child who will be conceived by means of assisted reproductive technology using the eggs or sperm of at least one of the intended parents.” Therefore, Florida’s gestational surrogacy differs from traditional surrogacy as the statute requires the genetic material of at least one of the commissioning parents, but none from the surrogate.
- Pre Planned Adoption Agreements Under Florida Law
- Pre-Planned Adoption Agreements are governed by Florida Statue 63.213 and are defined as an agreement in which a surrogate agrees to bear a child and relinquish parental rights to the intended parent(s). Pre-Planned Adoption Agreements allow heterosexual and LGBTQ individuals and unmarried couples to legally use a surrogate. Florida law has mandatory requirements of what must be included in this type of agreement to effectively terminate the surrogate’s parental rights and avoid Florida’s adoption laws.
- Pre-Planned Adoption Agreements do not require the surrogate to be biologically related to the child, and it can be used in either a “traditional surrogacy” (where the surrogate becomes pregnant with the use of her own egg) or a “gestational surrogacy” (where the surrogate becomes pregnant without the use of her own egg).
- Pre-Planned Adoption Agreements are enforceable in Florida, provided the agreement complies with the precise requirements of Florida law, the necessary consents are obtained, and no party terminated the agreement before the final transfer of custody. Florida law specifically requires a separate attorney for both the intended parents and the surrogate, both at the expense of the intended parents. Our attorneys can provide legal services for both intended parents and the surrogate (although not in the same surrogacy journey).
- Same-Sex Married Couples, LGBTQ Individuals, and Unmarried Couples Using Surrogacy and Adoption
- Adoption has been an option in Florida for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning (LGBTQ) community since 2010, however, with the help of assisted reproductive technology (ART), LGBTQ individuals can utilize ART to build a family with a genetic connection and place both parents on the child’s birth certificate. In Florida, the laws do not prohibit same-sex couples or LGBTQ singles from using a surrogate or donated egg, sperm or embryos.
- Egg, Sperm, and Embryo Donation Agreements
- The donation of eggs, sperm and embryos are governed by Florida Statute 742.14. The statute expressly provides that the donor of any egg, sperm or embryo (except as otherwise provided) shall relinquish all maternal or parental rights and obligations with respect to the donation or the resulting child. Laws around the county are constantly changing in third-party reproductive technology law, therefore, it is important to consult with a lawyer before entering into any type of egg, sperm, or embryo donation agreement.
- The donation agreements between recipients and the donor specifically detail the parties’ obligations and rights with regard to the donation, and cover issues that arise in third-party reproductive technology including, but not limited to, parental rights of the intended parents and relinquishment of parental rights by the donating party, confidentiality, required medical testing, future communication between the parties, expenses, liability for complications, and the rights of the child.
- An intended parent considering egg, sperm, and embryo donation needs to consider whether they want an open donation. This allows for the ability to contact the donor in the future if the child wants additional information on the donor for purposes such as genetic health conditions or general curiosity.
- Egg Donation
- Egg donation is indicated when a woman has a healthy uterus and is able to carry a pregnancy to term but does not have an adequate supply of viable eggs. Premature ovarian failure, damaged or absent ovaries, age, and previous chemotherapy or radiation treatment are all reasons why a woman may not have useable eggs. Egg donation is also an option when a woman carries a detrimental genetic condition. Those seeking the use of a surrogate can also use donated eggs to create the embryo that is ultimately transferred into the surrogate.
- An egg donor is a woman who donates her egg to use in the conception of a child conceived through the process of in-vitro fertilization. Our attorneys can assist recipients by referring them to reputable egg donor agencies or clinics. Once recipients have selected an egg donor and are ready to retain the donor agency, we review the agreement between the intended parents and the agency as well as draft and negotiate the Egg Donation Agreement between the intended parents and the egg donor.
- Sperm Donation
- Sperm donation agreement legal services are provided at Greenspoon Marder when a sperm donor is directly donating sperm to a known intended parent (i.e. a sperm donation done outside of the assistance of a sperm bank).
- Embryo Donation
- Storing frozen embryos is expensive; instead of destroying embryos, unused embryos are commonly donated by the owner to another intended parent(s) for conception. Once the embryos are donated, the patients no longer have the financial burden of storage and based on an Embryo Donation Agreement, the patients can be released of any parental rights associated with the embryos. We assist with the legal documentation involved with both embryo donation and the receipt of embryos from an embryo donor.
- Pre and Post Birth Orders
- Intended parents who use the services of a surrogate must obtain a court order determining legal parentage for the child once the child is born. The pre-birth order directs the hospital where the child is born and the post-birth order allows the appropriate state department of vital records to place the intended parents’ names on the birth certificate of the child that was delivered by the surrogate.
- In Florida, the law provides an expedited procedure to affirm the child’s parentage. This procedure is an expedited, non-adversarial process that will result in the issuance of a new birth certificate with the intended parent(s) being designated as the legal parents.
- Step Parent Adoption and Second Parent Adoption
- Step Parent and Second Parent Adoptions are most commonly seen when same sex lesbian couples have children together (not with the assistance of a surrogate). This could involve one woman carrying the child and the other biologically related to the child, or the woman who carries the child can also be the parent with the biological connection to the child. Regardless of which woman carries or is genetically related to the child, it is still a recommended best practice for the parents to perform a step parent or second parent adoption after the birth of the child.
- Florida law provides an expedited procedure for adoptions involving stepparents and relatives waiving many of the formal requirements applicable to non-relative adoptions, most notably being that a separate proceeding for termination of parental rights is not required and the final judgment of adoption terminates parental rights and grants the adoption. A step parent adoption can only be utilized if the parents are legally married.
- The legal process to confirm the parental rights of both parents (not in the surrogacy context) if the parents are not married is through a legal process called a Second Parent Adoption. Without utilizing a Second Parent Adoption, the parent who did not deliver the child in the same-sex relationship potentially has no legal rights to the child. Therefore, it is important to consult with a lawyer familiar with this process to ensure that all parties are adequately protected and both same-sex partners obtain full parental rights to the child.